If you are learning typescript or already know it and want to know how the compiler converts typescript code, this post is for you. In this post, I will be discussing about how Typescript code is converted into Javascript.
How TypeScript is compiled to JavaScript in angular?
Angular uses a command line tool called Typescript to compile TypeScript files into JavaScript. Angular uses tsconfig to configure the compilation process and generate code for a specific target.
The Angular CLI generates a tsconfig.json file in our project’s root directory during scaffolding. The CLI also generates a module-map.json file with information about all modules used inside our application (see example below). This map allows Angular to load files properly, regardless of where they are located in the directory structure.
Can I import TypeScript file into JavaScript?
It is not possible to import a TypeScript file into a JavaScript file. However, you can use the “imports” metadata for ES6 modules and code-splitting with webpack to do something similar.
In Angular, you can import a TypeScript file into a JavaScript file by using the “@angular/core” package. This allows you to run your application with either JIT or AOT compilation while still being able to use TypeScript in your components, services and pipes etc.. You cannot however import a JavaScript file into another TypeScript file, since both are compiled down to JavaScript at build time (i.e., there is no runtime). People also looking for “is typescript better than javascript“.
Is TypeScript a subset of JavaScript?
You are right, TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript (or ECMAScript 6). Essentially, it means that all the features of JavaScript are available in TypeScript. However, there’s one thing that sets TypeScript apart from other languages: type checking! The compiler will make sure that you’re using the correct data types for your project so there won’t be any runtime errors.
This brings us to another important point: TypeScript is fully compatible with NodeJS and other Node-based environments such as Electron (a tool used to build desktop applications using web technologies), NW.js (a framework for creating native applications using HTML5) and Cordova (a platform for developing mobile apps using web technologies).
Accordingly, you can use it with frameworks like React Native or Ionic Mobile which makes it ideal for building cross-platform apps efficiently!
Can browser execute TypeScript directly?
Can browser execute TypeScript directly?
Yes, but not really. It is possible to run TypeScript in the browser, but this isn’t a good idea for various reasons. Since TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript and compiles to JavaScript, the exact same code can be used in both environments. In fact, if you compile your TypeScript code with Babel (a popular JavaScript compiler), it will generate code that is compatible with all browsers as well as Node.js.
In short, TypeScript is almost a superset of JavaScript. The only real difference between the two is typing. However, since most browsers don’t support typing natively, it needs to be compiled into JavaScript first before being run on the browser.